Interlibrary Loan

Resident and Non-resident patrons have access to all libraries in the Evergreen Indiana consortium and may place holds for most materials. Items are delivered to the Flora Library for pick up. Items not available within the Evergreen Consortium will be requested through Indiana Share and delivered to the library.
Student and Reciprocal borrowers may only use the Flora Library. Interlibrary loan requests will be requested through Indiana Share. Reciprocal borrowers are encouraged to place requests through their home library.
We remind our patrons that all Indiana residents may borrow materials from Purdue University. They may search THOR, the catalog of Purdue Libraries or call the Purdue Reference Desk at (765) 494-2831.
Student and Reciprocal borrowers may only use the Flora Library. Interlibrary loan requests will be requested through Indiana Share. Reciprocal borrowers are encouraged to place requests through their home library.
We remind our patrons that all Indiana residents may borrow materials from Purdue University. They may search THOR, the catalog of Purdue Libraries or call the Purdue Reference Desk at (765) 494-2831.